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about us

Organyc is a brand owned by Corman, a second generation family-owned middle market company based in Milan, Italy, known for its know-how in turning cotton into personal care products for women.

our history

the Corman story

Corman S.p.A., located in Milan, Italy, the creator, owner and manufacturer of the Organyc® brand has a long history (more than 70 years) of knowing how to take cotton, one of nature’s most abundant and valuable flowers, and create personal care products, for women.


Corman built its business by going-to-market ethically, which simply means that the company gains endorsement from the medical professional community as a means to provide assurances and confidence among consumers.

A hallmark of Corman is its commitment to respect;  respect for customers, respect for employees, and respect for the Earth.  We believe you should Expect Respect® always when you put your faith in any of our brands.